Reporter dances on fair stage with hypnotist

Annisa Keith
Hypnotist Michael Swenson asks Tribune reporter Annisa Keith, whether she prefers to lead or follow when salsa dancing at the fair on Sunday. “I like to follow,” Keith replied.

I had never seen or spoken to him before, but when the salsa music started, his red hair and sculpted body were spinning and twirling me as if we were reunited as dance partners.

The empty look in his swimming pool eyes that matched his shirt reminded me he would be great at salsa. His arms wrapped and unraveled seamlessly around my spinning figure — then in a moment I was sleeping.

The next time I awoke, a very Hispanic-looking Justin Bieber was standing coolly in front of me. I tackled him.

We were on the ground, while I was simultaneously wrestling, pushing, elbowing other women to get a closer look at his face.

He left the stage with my lipstick on his cheek.

I’m sleeping again.

Now I’m dancing in a conga line?


Tribune reporter Annisa Keith, middle, falls asleep on the command of hypnotist, Michael Swenson alongside other volunteers during his hypnotism-comedy show at the state fair Sunday.

I was guided by the whims of the most important voice — Michael Swenson’s voice, my leader, my hypnotist. Wearing a shiny black vest and faded denim, his muscles threatened to hypnotize me without another word. A five o’clock shadow adorned his masculine jawline. He wasn’t hard to listen to. I was saddened when he said I would have to keep my eyes closed most of the time.

Staring at the audience seated at the 3 Rivers Stage at the Montana State Fair, he told me and around 15 other audience members that he was not going to make us act like chickens. That was when I was mentally prepared and was unafraid of what was or was not about to happen.

Hypnosis, as described to me by others, is like a vivid dream or reliving a forgotten memory. More a skeptic than a believer, I was under the impression that anyone I saw on stage was not under the trance of hypnosis as much as they were succumbing to peer pressure and the stage fright that would come with breaking from the program.

The trance

Starry sounding music was spilling from the speakers and into my lap. He said I would feel calm and relaxed. My mind and eyelids falling, falling, falling until my mind hit that floaty head space that happens before one falls entirely asleep. I was fully aware, but I could not care less about where I was or who was watching. His voice was the only thing of importance to me.

My hands went limp and I dropped the mental responsibilities of working for the paper and looking composed and collected. The more I sunk, the more free I became. I was just listening to my hypnotist, taking extra care to do everything he said — it was the only thing I was interested in.

I was on pause, my intentions suspended, ready to do anything he suggested. Break dancing, sleeping, salsa dancing, resting, tackling and kissing Justin Bieber, then sleeping again. I felt at ease, while hoping to never be subject to another random conga line.

Tribune reporter Annisa Keith, jumps her invisible go-kart alongside other volunteers in Michael Swenson’s comedy-hypnotism show at the state fair on Sunday.

Coming to

I never lost awareness, and when he signed off and went backstage, I was sitting in my plastic chair in the front row feeling abandoned.

“He didn’t even say goodbye to me.” I thought. After the last half hour of pandering and being obedient to him, I was left with only a generic goodbye. He didn’t even look me in the eye. I floated out of my seat and over the warm pavement, across the street, and to my car. I felt groggy as if I had just been jerked awake from a nap. I did not know how to feel besides tired and confused.

Tribune reporter Annisa Keith, middle, and other volunteers in Michael Swenson’s comedy-hypnotism show swarm a crowd member who Swenson told the volunteers was Justin Bieber at the state fair on Sunday.

“He said I would sleep really well tonight. Am I still under a trance?” I thought. “Is it going to be this way until tomorrow?”

I returned to the newsroom and worked until deadline. I went to bed and woke in the same position nine hours later.

So, people keep asking, “Did you know what was happening?”

The power of suggestion that came with hypnosis was only effective because I allowed myself to succumb to his instruction. I never lost awareness, yet I allowed my decision-making brain take the back seat, his voice replacing it in the front of my mind.

He said I was safe in his care, and I believed him. Before I went on stage, I promised myself that if I felt uncomfortable or misled I would lift my mind from what I call “pre-subconsciousness” and leave. I made it through the entire show feeling like I was swimming in the calm I felt under his trance. I knew that being hypnotized briefly released me from societies “normal” expectations. I was allowed to be crazy and over the top — it was refreshing.

Hypnosis is not someone making you their personal drone or tying marionette strings to your brain as I thought before. It is more like a guided form of meditation that can only be successful with both parties participation.

If you are interested in being hypnotized, here are my suggestions as to what you need:

•It is recommend that you do not have crippling stage fright.

•A will and intention to allow yourself to be hypnotized.

•Someone waiting for you in the audience who will not laugh and point at you afterward. And finally,

•A sense of humor so you can laugh at all of the crazy strange things you will do.

Annisa Keith will be a junior at the University of Montana. She is studying journalism with an emphasis in photography and is interning this summer at the Tribune as a photographer.


Watch Michael Swenson, comedy hypnotist

Michael Swenson will be preforming on the 3 Rivers Stage at the Montana State Fair through Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. daily.