Photos: Golden retriever befriends 8 birds and hamster

Susan Wyatt
Bob the golden retriever and his friends.

The latest star of social media is a golden retriever, whose posse includes four parakeets, two finches, two cockatiels and a hamster.

Luiz Higa Jr., who lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, posts photos of Bob and his group of friends enjoying breakfast together or just hanging out - and of course there are a lot of communal naps.

Luiz told KING-TV that Bob is a year and 9 months old. He got him when Bob was a pup just four months old.

"One month before him I got one cockatiel and one parakeet," he said.

The three got along well, he said.

"After some time I got other birds and finally the hamster," he said.

Bob has more than 17,000 fans on Facebook and more than 80,000 followers on Instagram.